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Web Silk and Pearls

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Full Size Resolution for Prints: 6000 x 4000
(the quality of this image preview has been reduced for the web)

It was a foggy day in Santa Barbara, California. I"m not sure if it was the fog that caused the droplets to form on the spider web or if that's just part of the web, but either way, it was beautiful. I really loved the bark of this tree too.

Location: Santa Barbara Shores County Park, Goleta, Santa Barbara County, California, USA

Camera Model: NIKON D5600
Exposure: 2/1 s
Aperture: f/11.0
ISO: 100

Keywords: photography, art, web, spider, nature, natural, bark, tree, thread, pearls, silk, spider web, macro, closeup, close-up, focus, red, brown

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